Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Giving up on network marketing... but still trying

It's an old story..
A story of failure..

You get your hopes up of getting rich!
You tell your friends, tell your relatives.
Then after a while you realize you don't know that many people.
You're too shy to share what you know.
Finally you just give up and say, oh well, I guess I'm just not cut out for this...

It's been 5 years since I was last led to believe network marketing was great stuff.
And here I'm at it again.
Because really I want to see if I'm different from the me 5 years ago.

Was all the things I read the past years worth it?
The seminars and self-help books, were the all for nothing?

Now that I like the product, and the people.
I'd like to know...
I know I can make it this time.

Okay 1BRO, here we go.

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